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Get Ready For That Desk Review!

Updated: Nov 29, 2020

Desk reviews serve an important function in any evaluation. They provide the foundation

upon which evaluators build their reports. And, as with any product, the outcome is only as good as the quality of the foundation upon which it is laid. How then can we ensure that our desk reviews are of high quality?

● Before divulging in a well written desk review, state the purpose of the desk review. Why are you conducting this review on this particular topic at this time? What do you wish to achieve by doing this? What are the needs of your customers? Do you have access to all the documents needed for the review? These are important questions to answer before taking a nose dive, though tempted, into this new and exciting pool of information.

● Take time to dissect the documents and literature in relation to your project. A common misconception is that scanning the beginning and conclusion of literature will reap enough information to solicit solid points for your own project. This might work once or twice but most likely you will end up skipping over pertinent details for your desk review. As you avoid scanning and missing key points, do not get caught up in the weeds. Focus on the key scope of the documents at hand. A rushed desk review is an incomplete desk review.

Look for trends, gaps and new findings. Document these key points as you continue your review. Every point identified won’t always make the final cut but when you are finally able to pull out the key points it shows good insight into your data analysis and will assist in bringing forth a clear conclusion.

Create a reference list. Track the information you are reviewing. Is it credible? Reliable? Valid? What’s the source? All content must be properly cited and verifiable—this will boost the credibility of findings and recommendations, as well as expedite the report-writing process.

Always use factual data - don’t fake it, just read it. Assumptions have no place in a desk review.

The desk review process can definitely be tedious but approaching it efficiently will definitely ease the strain it usually brings. Reach out to us at EvaluCore as this is just a small fraction of the range of skills and services that we have to offer.

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