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Two Steps to Planning Your Next Evaluation

As Quint Studer, Management Consultant, once said, it is objective evaluations that give our hard wiring principles teeth and drive the organization towards results that last. Evaluations help identify programme strengths and gaps, and as such, every organization should conduct one to guide their strategic planning efforts.

Although evaluations can be complex, there are two main considerations by the organization that will help ground the evaluation: the intended purpose and the available resources.

Factors to Consider When Planning an Evaluation

1. Purpose of the Evaluation

Projects often involve diverse stakeholders, each with somewhat different, albeit related priorities. The organization needs to clarify the core intended use of the evaluation results and identify which priorities are the most critical to the evaluation. Decision-makers also need to determine if it is key components or the whole programme that needs to be assessed. Factors that may influence these parameters include locations of project activities, timeframe in which the results are needed, review of former strategic plans and the availability of secondary data.

2. Availability of Resources

Based on the precision needed from findings, evaluations can be time-consuming and costly. Although secondary data can provide valuable information and save time and funds, new data will also be necessary. The likely associated costs for this data collection need to be projected and funds secured. If the organization is unable to afford it, additional resources should be identified prior to initiating the evaluation or the scope revised accordingly.

Evaluation is necessary for organizations as it informs the decision-making of key stakeholders. However, it is important that the parameters of the evaluation are clarified before the evaluation has begun. This ensures that the data collected and analyzed meet the true needs of stakeholders. EvaluCore can guide you in preparing for your evaluation and executing it. Want to talk more about how to proceed? Contact us to set up a meeting.

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